Thursday, December 8, 2011

Design Proposal Part 2

Design Proposal - Part 2.
In my earlier design post, I focused on the costume design for Big Sweetie and Little Sweetie. Now that we’ve worked out some more detail with the script, I’d like to focus a little on the costume design for the seven of us in the class - the seven “scouts” in the show.
 (This might be a note for another time, but there are seven of us, we’ve created seven realms, we’ve talked about the seventh-inning, stretch - is there more we can do with the number 7? It seems like it should be important.)
With the design for Big and Little Sweetie in mind (that nostalgic, wholesome flavor which may or may not be masking the root of all kinds of evil....
Oh. Em. Gee. It just hit me that Big Sweety and Little Sweety shouldn’t be in pink... they should be in dollar-bill greens and coppers and nickels and golds. Money is what Big Sweety is all about, and maybe that would be a too-obvious costume choice... but I rather like it. Their buttons could be silver dollars, the piping on their pockets or Big Sweety’s elbow patches could be gold...)
Sorry. Back on track now. So, keeping with the nostalgic themes for the Sweeties, I’d like to see the seven of us in pieces of vintage sportswear, and each of us representing a different sport. I’m not sure it matters who represents which sport, though if I were to make the executive decision, I’d put everyone in the costume that made the least sense/made them look the most ridiculous.
 For example, what if Jake were dressed in a turn-of-the-century style bathing costume - the funny, multi-colored striped ones shaped like pajamas?
Perhaps, just for silliness’ sake, one of us is dressed as a jockey?
One of us could be in a Three-Stooges-esque golfing outfit, with the puffy pants and silly page-boy hat.
Someone could be in a 1960s bowling shirt and shoes.
I really want one of us to be in the short-shorts, knee-socks, and tank tops of the basketball uniforms of old. This person MUST wear sweatbands around his wrists and head.
Someone could be in the 40s-style leather football helmet and jersey, sans pads.
Someone, probably one of the girls, could be in a flapper-era tennis costume, with the pleated skirt and the cloche hat.
Someone could be in the striped, button-front style basbeball uniform circa Joe DiMaggio. (I would like this someone to be me, simply because I love baseball, but I’d be willing to trade if someone else were really passionate about it.)
As far as the color scheme, though our pieces may not match, I feel that color-wise, we should all be in the same palette. I want us to look like a Norman Rockwell painting when we’re onstage as a collective unit.  I envision us as sandlot kids - baseball field browns, whites, sky blues, sunshine yellows, dingy greys like play clothes that have been washed too many times, grass stains on knees, butts, and elbows, messy hair, scrapes on arms, legs, and faces - the idea behind the look being that we’re a rag tag, rowdy bunch of neighborhood kids - innocent, maybe a little naive, but tough and able to take on the bad guy.. Maybe one of us should have a black eye?


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