Friday, December 2, 2011

The last stretch...

During the month of October I found myself growing more and more anxious about this endeavor that we were taking, however, now, at the end of the semester, I am really proud of what he have created as a group. We have been working hard to try to create a piece of theatre that is compelling to both sports-fans and theatre-fans, and I think we have done so.

The script that we have now is, in my opinion, the skeleton of our piece, and what we have to do now is add the muscle. Maybe that’s a bad metaphor because we have quite a bit of workable dialogue. I guess what I mean is that we still need to shape the dialogue – translate it, if you will, into something more conversational and easy on the ears. The metaphor I’m looking for here is, we have the skeleton and muscle, now we need to get that muscle into the gym and work it out.

I believe that the fine tuning of the script will obviously take place during our rehearsals next semester. Because of this, I propose an extremely early rehearsal schedule, meaning, we should be rehearsing/rewriting/working this script as early as the end of January. I think we should meet 1-2 times per weeks, for maybe an hour each session. That will give us the opportunity to create something that is ready to work come March when we actually start rehearsing “normally.” Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I experienced the same feelings of nervousness and anxiousness to feeling excited. I think for me one of the things that made me nervous was the community we chose. I remember one of our early readings about composing a play for the community mentioned that the community should have an issue that we can educate our audience about and come to some kind of resolution. My early thoughts of a "lack of a major issue" within the play, made me nervous. And I didn't want the play to come off as merely a form of entertainment with no meat, no stakes, and nothing to solve in hopes of helping solve an issue present in the community. However, those fears have now been put to rest. I like how our play not only compares sports to theater so that both of these communities can learn from each other but also, how both are related to the bigger picture of life. I think a lot of people only see sports and theater as fun activities and I think this play is exploring both worlds in a deeper way.

    And yes, Jake. I agree with early rehearsals since this is an ensemble play and I really want us to act as a cohesive unit once it comes time for the play.
