Thursday, November 24, 2011

Design Proposal!

Design Proposal - Grace Bors

So we’re designing out set for the Thrust Theatre, which is the FORUM. When I picture our set, I see the floor as a basketball court, or a football field. It might be expensive construct the floor to appear as such, but I think with Charles’ ideas, it’s a great possibility. As for the FACSIMILES that we should include in our show, we have amazing options. I think our Louisville skyline is so familiar and iconic all around the country, and is especially important to Louisville natives. I picture the back black wall as a chalk board, and an artist drawing in the skyline as if it were at night, so just black and white. I’m sure an art student, or a theatre student who can draw would do that for free, so that would be amazing for us. To reflect on our local culture, our FOLK, maybe we could make our mascot a cardinal. Or just a red bird, whatever is legal for us to do. That way everyone would instantly know that our play includes something near and dear to them, the UofL Cards. This costume would definitely take up much of our budget. Check this one out, it’s the cheapest I could find for $229.

Now for our familiar objects and props, our FOUND. I’m thinking we should use different types of sports balls and familiar sports props players use everyday. Like pom poms, safety googles, whatever. All these items range from $15 to $40. Hopefully we could just bring balls and items we already own and don’t really use anymore. The FABRICATION part of out design could be really fun. What if we had the audience bring poster boards that they would bring to a sporting event? Or maybe if we did have the chalk board, we could have them write their favorite sports on it, or who they bet will win the game between us and the UofL team. This would be all be free, and wonderful for us since we’ll have the audience engaged in the show before it even started.

As for the costumes we would wear, I think it would be really cool if the scout in each realm wore the sports uniform they were representing in the scene, and all the other characters around them in just all black. So, that one costume would be exaggerated, and everyone’s main focus. I found some legit uniforms that are as little as $20 but go up to around $50. It just depends on which sports we write in and need to represent.

So, all prices included, costumes could cost us around $450, mascot costume included, give or take. Our props could cost around $200, and our set pieces are questionable. But we would have at least $2000 to spend on the floor and and constructing the entire set, and still have $850 to spend on advertising, and other expenses. I think our budget will work fine for what we need as long as we all work together and well with the people helping us out.

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