Thursday, November 24, 2011

Time to Get Artsy!

So, design proposal time? Let's get on it!

For our central group of actors, I really like the thought of us all having our own jerseys. They definitely need to be red and black to reflect our local culture (FOLK) of the Louisville Cardinals. Maybe where the team name usually goes we can put "Actors" or "Thespians" (insert lesbian jokes here), with numbers and our names in the usual places. This website ( offers many different styles for around $20 each, so let's say maybe $200 for those as a maximum. However, I definitely think it's possible for us to construct our own for much cheaper, though we'll need to look further into that.

Besides that, I think we need pretty generic bottom halves, since the seven of us will be playing many different roles throughout the play. This is where we can work in objects donated by the community (FOUND). Like for coaches, we can add a hat, jacket and whistle. Or when we play athletes, we can switch out jerseys for the jerseys of real athletes from UofL or from high schools in the area.

For designing to the space (FORUM), we really need to play with the similarities between the Thrust and stadium. Having the floor constructed to look like a basketball court or baseball diamond seem like the best option, in my opinion. And I really want the back wall tobe covered in chalkboard paint so we can do our Beetlejuice-esque door, maybe with a staircase leading to a platform on one side about 4 feet up that we can sit on, jump off of, etc.

For representing community landmarks (FACSIMILES), I want to play around with the advertisements used at baseball fields. Can we have ads on the rails of each section of seating with pictures and names of local landmarks? Louisville Slugger Museum, Churchill Downs, Actors Theatre, the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, etc. Could we get a few places to sponsor our play, provide us some more money for an ad slot?

I think we can get the community really involved with our more abstract ideas (FABRICATION). For Bradyman, "If Tom Brady was a superhero, what would his costume look like?" For our tech-obsessed fun realm inhabitants, can we get a bunch of junk and ask "If someone took a swim in the Ohio River, what kind of stuff would be stuck to them?" For our mascot, "What would the incarnation of theatre look like?" And have them attach items as they see fit.


  1. I do really like the idea of having jerseys for our team. Maybe we could earn them at the ends of each realm as a sign that we have learned the lesson, and are ready to take them with us. Also, The idea of the audience dreawing the Bradyman superhero does sound nice, since we are turning him into more of an idea.

  2. I really like the idea of the advertisements. Whenever I go to a game especially baseball games, I am always distracted by the blatant advertising. They have posters surrounding the stadium, all of the time-outs (kissing cam/dance cam/half-time awards) are sponsored by someone, and the JumboTron is filled with advertisements the entire game. It would be nice to try and use some of the same advertisements, especially if they are willing to donate money or prizes in exchange for the marketing.

  3. The idea of jerseys is interesting. It makes me think we should hang them in the thrust when we graduate and people that came to see shows later would be like "Whoa, that's Grace "Rose" Bors' jersey..." Having done a little costume spec-ing we may want to buy the jerseys. I am also going to insist on stretchy pants.

    The sponsorship issue is an interesting one that I myself keep dodging. I wrote that whole commercial yesterday and I never used the full name of any product/corporation just to avoid the whole legal issue. Finding local businesses to advertise is an interesting proposition. I don't know how difficult that would be. It will take some sort of committee to suss it out and the to acquire the actual contracts and all. However it may take less time/integrate us into to the community more than if we just made up all the companies.
