Tuesday, November 8, 2011


After scanning the blog posts, I noticed a comment which mentioned that U of L is striving to become a premier research and athletic university. One thing to keep in mind is that U of L is also the only college in the commonwealth on Kentucky which offers MFA program in Theatre Arts. Thinking back to one of our discussions as well, we certainly do not want to appear as if we are "whining" or ungrateful for the funding that the theatre program receives. I think it may be time to take a realistic look at the state of the program and wonder if it is being used to its full potential, not by the university, but by us. Are we exerting every iota of energy to further the art of theatre? Are we drawing the kinds of crowds that warrants a bigger cut of the university's budget? I am not as familiar with the history of the program as the rest of you, but has there ever been a filed of study similar to the community based acting with which we are involved? With this show, we need to show that this truly is not only a viable form of theatre, but also that it is the breaking point of a new era in U of L theatre. I was taught, and still truly believe, that acting is reacting. Yet, in order for an action to happen, a change must occur. The U of L theatre department needs that change: The change of community.

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